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    City Sightseeing Reykjavik Billet Hop-On, Hop-Off + Musée Perlan

    Confirmation instantanée Combinaisons économiques Chèque électronique
    depuis US$ 88.47 /personne

    Horaire des activités

    • Jours de fonctionnement


    • Durée

      Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour: 24 hours and 48 hours (take your pick)
      Perlan Museum: Stay as long as you like

    • Heure de départ

      Visite à arrêts multiples : Les bus partent entre 9h30 et 16h15, toutes les 45 min
      Musée Perlan : Différents créneaux horaires disponibles (à choisir lors de la réservation)

      Veuillez noter que les horaires sont susceptibles d’être modifiés.

    • Point de rencontre

      Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour: Hop on the bus at any of the stops
      Perlan Museum: Make your way to Perlan Museum (Stop no. 11) located at Öskjuhlíð, Reykjavík, 105, Reykjavík 

    • Point de retour

      Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour: Hop off the bus at any of the stops
      Perlan Museum: Same as the start point

    Faits saillants

    • Combo Saver : visite à arrêts multiples de Reykjavik et entrée au musée Perlan
    • Explorez Reykjavik lors d’une visite en bus à arrêts multiples et créez votre propre itinéraire touristique
    • Montez et descendez dans les attractions de votre choix et explorez la ville à votre rythme
    • Les commentaires audio en plusieurs langues vous permettent de ne rien manquer !
    • Découvrez toute l’Islande à partir d’un seul endroit lors d’une visite au musée Perlan
    • Promenez-vous à l’intérieur d’une véritable grotte de glace et assistez à un spectacle époustouflant sur les aurores boréales


    Discover the best of the city on a City Sightseeing Reykjavik Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour and visit Perlan- Wonders of Iceland.

    City Sightseeing Reykjavik Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour:

    Board this Hop-on Hop-off Bus to see Reykjavik on your own terms! The hop-on, hop-off tour is an easy and practical alternative to the hassle and expense of driving and parking. Witness the famous landmarks and attractions of this modern city and admire the stunning scenery of the surrounding mountains and the ocean. Travel on the bus as much as you like for 24/48 hours. Informative audio commentary is available onboard in multiple languages.


    • Harpa
    • Laekjartorg
    • Reykjavik City Hall
    • The Old Harbour
    • Whales of Iceland
    • National Museum
    • Hallgrimskirkja
    • Perlan Museum

    Perlan Museum:

    It sits atop the hill like an alien spaceship, offering stunning views of the surrounding landscape and secrets to uncover inside. Head indoors, and you’re entering the very heart of the natural world. Want to know how glaciers are formed? Then welcome to Perlan Museum. It’s no alien spaceship but a museum that showcases Iceland’s natural wonders.

    Visit the Wonders of Iceland exhibition to gain in-depth knowledge on Iceland's glaciers, and explore a real ICE CAVE! Head into the Aurora planetarium show to see the dance of northern lights. If your curious mind is craving for more, then learn about diversity of aquatic biota and fresh water at The Water in Icelandic Nature exhibition

    And after exploring the tunnels and planetarium, climb to the top for stunning views of Reykjavik and the surrounding countryside. A state-of-the-art facility that showcases the force of nature. It all makes for a special day out.

    Inclusions & Exclusions


    • City Sightseeing Reykjavik Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour (24 ou 48 heures)
    • Commentaire audio préenregistré dans le bus en anglais, espagnol, Français, allemand, italien, suédois, islandais et japonais
    • Entrée au musée Perlan
    • Exposition Merveilles de l’Islande, y compris l’accès à une véritable grotte de glace intérieure
    • Accès à la plate-forme d’observation à 360°


    • Live guide
    • Admission to attractions, unless specified

    Veuillez noter

    Voucher information: You can show your voucher on your smartphone (But if you’d rather print a copy – that’s fine too!)
    Individual vouchers for each activity will be shared with customers within 24 hours of booking.
    The date you choose is for the attraction ticket. The hop-on, hop-off tour can be taken on any day within 12 months.
    Free access to 0-5 years children.

    Reykjavik Hop-On, Hop-Off Tour:
    Route stops and timings are subject to change. The updated map will be available on the bus.

    Perlan Museum:
    The temperature in the ice cave is -10°C, so warm clothes are needed. Ponchos will be provided.

    Avis des clients

    157 Avis
    Examens les plus recommandés
    - Réservation vérifiée
    Karl Coulter - 28 Mar

    Trip was as described, voucher sent straight to my email and was easy to use. Reasonable price, very informative and fun. Great way to see the city and places you wouldn't thunk of visiting.

    - Réservation vérifiée
    Wilma muir - United Kingdom 19 Mar

    Great way to see all the city highlights and stop off for photos, lunch etc great value too...

    - Réservation vérifiée
    Andrew Digby - 18 Mar

    Buses were punctual. Commentary was interesting and informative. Drivers were very polite.

    - Réservation vérifiée
    georgina Cope - 28 Feb

    We had a very enjoyable day visiting different attractions. Doing the hop on hop off bus tour made it much easier for me to enjoy more attractions and see more of the city than...

    - Réservation vérifiée
    Jennifer Crumpton - 28 Feb

    Great experience. I did it last time I was in Iceland and so this time thought that was an excellent way for a friend to get situated too.

    - Réservation vérifiée
    Jane Fowler - United Kingdom 27 Feb

    Excellent tour. Seeing parts of Rekyjavik you probably wouldn't see by foot. Highlight for us was Perlan the views were spectacular....

    - Réservation vérifiée
    Yvonne Rance - United Kingdom 17 Feb

    The tour was interesting and informative. In my opinion it is by far the best way to see Reykjavik. The busses run regularly and the drivers were friendly and courteous. Good...

    - Réservation vérifiée
    Theresa Wynn - United Kingdom 10 Feb

    The tour has fewer stops than other cities, however, this gave us the opportunity to get off and explore more....


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