The Chianti tour was a blast. The wine was great and reasonable. The "castle" was very nice. If you are there do not forget to buy their extra virgin olive oil. It is so good! The scenary was breath taking. I enjoyed this tour more for the scenary than anything else. The Chianti region is something you do not want to miss. Plus they had excellent wine. We bought a few bottles for ourselves....Very impressed with this company! This was more than I was looking for it was was very easy…I would I will continue using them in the future...THe website just seemed more appealing to the eyes. Plus I had looked up the sight on trip advisor and heard great things about this company
My mum and I atended the tour. It was a beautiful day, we enjoyed wine, foods and sightseeing. We could see the beautiful sunset there. My mum was so glad with the foods and wine, I was so happy about that.
This was an amazing tour. My friends and I had such an amazing time. The tour guide was so friendly and the vineyard was absolutely gorgeous. The food and wine is something I will never forget. The area of the wine tasting had such a lovely view and it was worth every moment of the time we spent there! If I every come back to Italy, I will definitely do this again!!
Florencia se explora mejor entre mayo y septiembre, cuando las temperaturas cálidas son ideales para hacer turismo en autobuses de cubierta abierta. Si quiere ahorrarse algo de dinero, puede explorarla en temporada baja, de diciembre a febrero, sin las multitudes.
Tiene a su disposición varias opciones de billetes, en función de la duración de su estancia. Cada recorrido en autobús tendrá una validez de 24, 36, 48 a 72 horas. Y lo mejor es que puede planificarlo con antelación, ya que los bonos son válidos entre 6 meses y 1 año y pueden utilizarse en cualquier momento durante ese periodo. Consulte la página del producto o del operador de viajes en autobús para conocer todos los detalles.
Los tours de Florencia en autobús cubren las principales atracciones de Florencia como Beccaria, Santa Crocei, Teatro Verdi, Villa Cora, Porta Romana - viale Petrarca, Piazza Tasso, Zecca Vecchia, Piazzale delle Cascine, Shelly Cascine, Porta Romana, y más. Algunas excursiones también ofrecen visitas guiadas a pie, entradas sin esperar cola para el Museo Interactivo Leonardo, la visita a la Galería Uffizi, etc.
Cada recorrido es diferente, pero en general duran entre 1 y 2 horas. Asegúrese de consultar el recorrido específico para conocer los horarios.